In the modern society, superstitious beliefs are in fact still exist and even grow and penetrate into the many facets of community life. These beliefs come even coloring the city's architectural and building skyscrapers.
As a small example, in many tall buildings in China, there is no such thing as the floor 13 and 14. According to their beliefs, these two numbers may not carry hockey. In the West, the number 13 is considered unlucky numbers. Likewise in many other parts of the world. If we look at the numbers in the elevator the tall buildings of the world, you will not find the floor 13. Usually, after the number 12 then immediately 'jump' to number 14. Or from the number 12 then 12 a new first 14. This phenomenon is found in many countries of the world, including Indonesia.
Why the number 13 is considered deficient numbers bring luck? Actually, kepecayaan superstition and various myths that have come from the ancient knowledge called Kabbalah. Kabalah is an ancient mystical teachings, which have been dirapalkan by highest Witch House Pharaoh's regime which was then picked by the witches, magicians, psychic, paranormal, and so on-especially by the Zionist-Jews who later made him a political movement, and now This, teaching Kabbalah has become a new trend among celebrities in the world.
Jewish nation since the former is to maintain strict Kabbalah. In Marseilles, southern France, the Jewish nation was booked before the Kabbalah teachings derived only through oral and clandestinely. They are also known as people who enjoy fiddling with the numbers (numerology), so they are also known as as the Geometrian.
According to them, number 13 is one of the sacred numbers that contain a variety of magical and religious side, together with the numbers 11 and 666. Therefore, in a variety of symbols associated Kabbalisme, they always sneak element number 13 in it. Tarot cards for example, the number 13. Also Remi card, number 13 (As, 2-9, Jack, Queen, King).
Insertion symbol number 13 largest in the history of mankind is the symbol of this country into the United States. The Seal of the United States of America that consists of two sides (The Eagles and Pyramid Illuminati) loaded with the number 13.
Here's the proof:
-13 Stars above eagle's head forming the Star of David.
-13 Line in a shield or a shield birds.
-13 Olive leaf in a bird's right leg.
Olive -13 sticking point between the olive leaf.
-13 Arrows.
-13 Feathers at the end of the arrow.
-13 Letters that form the sentence 'Annuit Coeptis'
-13 Letters that form the phrase 'E Pluribus Unum'
-13 Layers of rock that form the pyramid.
-13 X 9 points around the Star of David on the head of the Eagles.
In addition to inserting the number 13 into the symbol of state, corporate logos of the United States the same way as McDonalds logo, Arbyss, startrek. Com, Westel, and so on. Number 13 can be seen if these logos shown vertically. Similarly, the headquarters of Micosoft known as The Double-Double Thirteen or 13, in accordance with the Microsoft logo made to resemble a window (Windows), but in fact it is the number 1313.
Uniquely, although the number 13 were scattered in various way, the American people apparently also consider the number 13 as the numbers should be avoided. Tall buildings in the United States rarely uses the number 13 as the floor numbers. Even in the stables as well as any race, from the stable numbered 12, and 12a, directly to the number 14. There is no number 13.
Kabbalis very glorifying the number 13, but of course other numbers such as numbers 11 and 666. This figure is used in a variety of their satanic ritual. Even the symbol of Baphomet or Goat Head Mendez (Mendez Goat) was decorated with symbols 13. That is why the number 13 is considered as an unlucky number for the main part of the devil ritual.
Friday the 13th is unlucky day?
Based on our research of Dr. Donald Dossey dlm a special psychotherapy field "phobia" fear dlm bhs = Greece, the United States alone there are more than 21 million people who have the disease "paraskevidekatriap hobia" or fear of Friday 13th date. And according to a report from "The Stress Management Center and
Phobia Institute in Asheville - the U.S., every day tenyata date Friday 13th, the U.S. economy loses between 800 to U.S. $ 900 million, because many do-averse traveling, working or doing
any business activity.
Why the number 13 is unlucky number?
While the trust as the number 13 is unlucky occurrence of Christians, because Judas occupied chair, and he sold 13 Jesus promptly at 13:00. Besides, the number of points they will be above 12 or the perfect number exceeds the peak strength, with which it will automatically bring bad luck, knowing the disciples of Jesus consisted of 12 men, 12 tribes of Israel, day and night 12 hours, 12 months, the god of Olympus 12.
When the Western numerology at number 13 as an unlucky number, the same effect on Chinese society. But may be seen from different angles. "If you add up 1 +3 results 4. And the number 'four' themselves in Chinese language when spoken with different intonations (sie) can give the meaning of 2 four-and-death = bad luck!
Even if the calculated date October 13, 2006 This is really real numbers try your luck total: 13-10-2006 = 1 +3 +1 +0 +2 +6 = 13 (thirteen more)
And if your name consists of 13 alphabet then it must hati2 because the sadistic killer has a name which consisted of 13 alphabets see: Jack the Rippe, Charles Manson, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo.
Trikaideka-phobia, fear of the number 13, so much so that if you eat starry night at the Hotel Savoy in London, and you happen to come rame2 was 13 then the hotel manager Mr Paul, will cepat2 out two black cat mascot didudukan wrote in a special chair, to accompany you all dimeja eat! Let me mess so 15, if not, "It is believed that one of the 13 Diners will die within a year. Once wanti2 the manager.
How many hotels or settlements that include abstinence rates for the 13th floor number, room, or home. Lottery in Italy, France does not have his number 13. So is there no street name in America who use 13th Street or 13th Avenue.
Where did the emergence of this belief? Allegedly, Pythagoras - the figure of artists, philosophers, and teachers from 6th century BC, indirectly encouraged his followers gave birth to a new understanding, numerology.
Was in all European countries they are afraid of Day 13 Friday date? Not because in the countries of Latin America, in Greece and in Spain the day "Tuesday" date is the 13th day of bad luck, so there is a saying "En martes, ni te cases ni te embarques" = on Tuesday perkimpoian or do not do the trip.
While in Italy the day unfortunately was the day date Friday 17.
But how with in Indonesia? Here we believe that the number 12 is unlucky numbers prove people often say 'Cilaka 12 "