Myths about civilization of Atlantis was first coined by an ancient Greek philosophy named Plato (427 to 347 BC) in the book Critias and Timaeus
In Plato's Timaeus book tells us that before the strait Mainstay Haigelisi, there is a very large island, from there you can go to other islands,
in front of the islands is completely surrounded by land sea ocean, it is the kingdom of Atlantis. When the new Atlantis will launch a major war with Athens, but Atlantis unexpected sudden onset of earthquakes and floods, not until one night, completely submerged under the sea, a large country that exceeds a high civilization, vanished overnight.
In other parts of the book is the younger cousin Critias of Critias tells the story of Atlantis. Critias was a pupil of the philosopher Socrates, three times he emphasizes the existence of Atlantis in the dialogue. The story comes from oral stories of ancestors man Joepe Critias, while Joepe also heard from a Greek poet named Solon (639-559 BC).
Solon was the wisest among 7 mahabijak ancient Greece, a time when Solon around Egypt, from the ancestral tomb shrine to know the legend of Atlantis.
An outline of the story in the book There is a huge continent in the Atlantic Ocean west of the Mediterranean so far, is proud of the remarkable civilization. He produced gold and silver innumerable. Palace is surrounded by walls lined with gold and silver walls. Masonry walls in the palace bertahtakan gold, brilliant and magnificent. There, the level of development
civilization fascinating people. Having ports and ships with perfect equipment, there are also things that can bring people to fly. Power is not only limited in Europe, even reaching as far as the African mainland. After the devastating earthquake,
Drown it to the seabed and its civilization, is also lost in people's memories.
If read from a piece of the story above, we would think that Atlantis was a civilization that is very fascinating. With the technology and science at that time was to make it a great nation and have a prosperous life.
But then I have a question, whether it is merely a bedtime story to the era of Plato Plato, or indeed have a strong and authentic bukti2 that Atlantis really exist in this life on earth?
There are a few notes about the scientists and business people in the quest to prove that Atlantis really existed.
According to the calculation of the sinking version of Plato's time the kingdom of Atlantis, about 11,150 years ago. Plato has several times said, the state of the kingdom of Atlantis is told down through the generations. Hardly rekaannya own. Plato went to Egypt and even get directions famous monks and the local monks at that time. Socrates, Plato the teacher when he talked about the kingdom of Atlantis also stressed, because it is real, worth far more powerful than fabricated stories.
If all expressed Plato was indeed real, then since 12,000 years ago, human civilization has created. But where is the kingdom of Atlantis? Since thousands of years ago the people are interested very much against this. Until the 20th century since 1960, Bermuda sea located in the western Atlantic Ocean, the islands of the Bahamas, and the sea around the islands of Florida has found a row that shook the world wonders.
One day in 1968, around the Bimini Islands Atlantic Ocean at the mansions of the Bahamas Islands, the sea calm and clear like a glass of bright, transparent to the seabed. Some of the divers on the way back to the islands of Bimini, suddenly there was a scream in surprise. On the seabed there is a great way! Some divers simultaneously plunged downward, there was a big road stretches composed of huge stones. It is a major road built with rectangular stones and polygons, the size of the stone
and the thickness is not the same, but its composition is very neat, konturnya brilliant. Is this a postal road kingdom of Atlantis?
Early '70s around Yasuel Atlantic Ocean archipelago, a group of researchers has taken the core of rock by drilling at a depth of 800 meters on the seabed, the scientific expression, the place was really a land of 12,000 years ago. Conclusions drawn on the basis of science technology, so similar as described Plato! However, if this where the sinking of the kingdom of Atlantis?
In 1974, a marine vessel Soviet Union observers have made the 8 sheets of photo if abstracted to form a masterpiece of ancient buildings humans. Was this built by the people of Atlantis?
In 1979, the American and French scientists with a device very sophisticated instruments to find the pyramid on the seabed "triangle of death" Bermuda sea.
Long pyramid approximately 300 meters, height about 200 meters, the top of the pyramid with the ocean surface to within 100 meters, higher than the pyramids of Egypt. The bottom of the pyramid there are two giant holes, sea water with amazing speed flows in the bottom of the hole.
This great pyramid, is built by the people of Atlantis? Atlanta royal army had conquered Egypt, whether the person bringing civilization of Atlantis to the pyramids of Egypt? American continent are also pyramid, whether derived from Egypt or from the kingdom of Atlantis?
In 1985, two Norwegian sailors discovered an ancient city beneath the sea area "triangle of death". In photographs made by them both, there are plains, roads
large vertical and horizontal as well as the hall, the dome-roofed house, arena complaint (animals), temples, etc. riverbanks. They both say absolutely believe in what they found was a continent of Atlantis as described by Plato. Is that right?
Even more scandalous again is research conducted by Aryso Santos, a Brazilian scientist. Santos confirmed that Atlantis was the region now called Indonesia.
In his research for 30 years is written in a book "Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitifve Localization of Plato's Lost Civilization" he displays the 33 comparisons, such as area, climate, natural resources, volcanoes, and the way of farming, which eventually concludes that Atlantis is Indonesia. System terasisasi Indonesian-style rice, he says, is the form adopted by the Borobudur Temple, Pyramids in Egypt, and ancient buildings Aztecs in Mexico.
Santos set in the past that Atlantis was a continent that stretches from southern India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, continued eastward to Indonesia (now) as its center. In the region there are dozens of active volcanoes and surrounded by ocean which is one called Orientale, consisting of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.
Meanwhile, according to Plato Atlantis was a continent destroyed by the eruption of volcanoes erupting simultaneously. At that time most of the world is still covered by layers of ice (Pleistocene era). With the outbreak of dozens of the same volcano that most of Indonesia is located in the region (first), then some of the continent and Drown covered by the water comes from melting ice. Among the eruption in southern India Meru and Mount Semeru / Sumeru / Mahameru in East Java. Then volcanic eruptions that formed Sumatra Lake Toba with Somasir island, which is the top of the mountain that erupted at that time. The most powerful eruption in the future is a mountain of Krakatoa (Krakatoa), which broke the Sumatra and Java, and others and formed a plateau Sunda Strait.
Santos is different from Plato about the location of Atlantis. Brazil's scientists argue, that at the time of the eruption of the volcano, causing the ice to melt and flow into the ocean so that the extent of increase. Water and mud came from the ashes of the volcano and the ocean bottom burden, resulting in tremendous pressure to the skin of the earth at the bottom of the ocean, especially in continental coast. This pressure resulted in an earthquake. The earthquake was reinforced by the mountains which later erupted in quick succession and led to a massive tsunami waves. Santos called Heinrich Events.
In an attempt to base an opinion to the history of the world, looking Plato had made two mistakes, first of shape / position of the earth which he said flatly. Second, the location of Atlantis is said to be in the Atlantic Ocean which is opposed by Santos. United States military research on the Atlantic proved to be able to find traces of the lost continent. It is not arbitrary is proverb that says, "Amicus Plato, sed magical amica veritas." Means, "I am pleased to Plato, but I prefer the truth."
However, there are circumstances present that between Plato and Santos agreed. Namely first, that the location of the submerged continent of Atlantis and it was confirmed by Santos as the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, the number or length of the chain of volcanoes in Indonesia. Of these is Kerinci, Talang, Krakatoa, Malabar, Galunggung, Pangrango, Merapi, Merbapu, Semeru, Bromo, the Great, Rinjani. Some of the mountain has been or is active again.
This is another more unique than Santos and his colleagues about the effort to uncover the mystery of Atlantis. Western scholars by chance to find someone who can remember back to himself as a man of Atlantis in a past life "Inggrid Benette". Some piece of life and social conditions still made an impression in his memory, as inputs in order to feel clearly the high civilization of Atlantis. And the most important is to give us some clues about why Atlantis disappeared. Below is the memory Inggrid Bennette.
Full of life Intelligence
In a previous life in Atlantis, I was a knowledgeable, promoted as head of feminine energy "Crystal Shield" (equivalent to an electricity generating plant head now). This energy center is located in a large room arched building. The floor of sand and stone walls, in the middle of the room a giant crystal placed on a black base mat. Its function is to channel energy into the entire city. My job is to protect the crystal. This work is not the same as the factory is now operational system, but with firmness in maintaining heart, understand his own soul, is an important part of the job, this is an installation that is controlled by the soul. There's a smart man and smart, she is a "protector" we, other protective women.
My hair long, golden, hair bun with gold crocheted objects, just like the Greek era. Hair piled high, with crooked fall bergerai rolls on the back. Every day my hair styled by a professional hair stylist, this is part of routine work. Philosophy of Atlantis is believed that "the body is a temple of the soul", therefore, very concerned about cleanliness of the body and how to dress, this is the main thing in life. I wear a long shirt of invisibility, using gold leaf ribbon tied at the waist back after crossed over his chest. The man dressed in long skirts too short skirts, some people wore hats, some not, all made with the same translucent white. Such as uniforms, but in those days, not at all distinguished, wearing only show a status, symbolizing maturity of our soul. There is also wearing another color, but of the same translucent material, they wore colorful clothes because it aims to treatment. Great relationship with the imbalance in the body's energy centers, a specific color treatment function.
Communicating with Animals
I often go to listen to the advice of dolphins. The dolphins live in a place specially built for them. A large area of beautiful lakes, giant steps that have penetrated into the middle of the lake. Pillars of the two sides of the steps is a magnificent pole, while the lake area is connected with the sea through a large canal. In the afternoon the dolphin swim there, playing games, after nightfall returned to the ocean. Dolphins loose, indicating it is a very special place. Dolphin was a close friend and advisor to us. They are very smart, and is a source of balance and harmony of our society. Only a few people go to listen to the language dolphin intellect. I often swim with them, stroking them, playing with them, and listen to their advice. We often exchange thoughts through telepathy. Their energy makes me full of vitality and gave me strength. I can walk around the heart suit, for example if I want to go to the meadow area far away, I closed my eyes and concentrate on the place. There will be a vote "wuung" a light, I opened my eyes, so I was already in place.
I most liked along with the Unicorn (horse fly). They're just like a horse eating grass in the wilderness. Unicorns have a horn on his head, just like dolphins, contact us via telepathy connection. Relatively, the Unicorn's mind is innocent. We often exchange views, for example, "I want to run fast". Unicorn will answer: "OK". We ran together, our hair flying in the wind. Their soul so calm, peaceful command respect. Unicorn never hurt anyone, let alone have bad thoughts or intentions, even when meeting the challenge will remain so.
I often feel sad at the present time, because do not believe in the existence of this animal, there is a spirit builder told me: "When the state of the world back in balance and harmony, of all people accept each other, love each other, then the Unicorn will back ".
Indah Permai environment
In the northeast there is a plot of Atlantis prairie vast. This prairie spreading the soft scent, and I like to sit in meditation there. The aroma was so warm. Purpose of fresh flowers so much, it is widely planted. For example, blue flowers and planted with white, it's very tempting not only visually, is necessary for the effectiveness of vibration. This meadow looked after by people who have special training and high-quality and rich knowledge. "Expert potion" start taking care of them since the shoot, then pick and extract the quintessence of life.
In the work environment at the Atlantis, which plays a rare low. As low as any job, still regarded as important members of our society. Society accustomed to the respect and praise the ability of others. Who grow fruits, vegetables, and growers nuts also live in the northeast. Most of the botanists, nutritionists and other food experts. They are responsible for providing food for all of our civilization.
Most people defined as physical labor, such as gardeners and builders. It will make their body condition remained stable. A small portion of their intelligence, work arrangements tailored to the level of their intelligence development. Atlantis people think, that the physical work is more useful, it makes emotions (feelings) they get a balance, angry and depressed mood can be directed at constructively, besides the human body is born to a physical work, it has been proven. However, there are always exceptions, such as feminine men or vice versa, in the end, smart people will lead these people to work in accordance with their conditions. Each person will go to the intelligence, acting as his own character, all of this is the most basic things.
The whole life of Atlantis is the set of unbound harmony universal to plants, minerals, animals and vegetables. Every person is a particle part, everyone knows, that their devotion is needed. In Atlantis no financial system, there is only trading activity. We never carry a wallet or keys and the like. Rarely have greed or envy, only determination.
High Technology
In Atlantis there was a model flying facilities similar "flying saucers" (UFOs), they use magnetic field energy to control the rotation and landing, this type of connection means used to travel long distances. Travel only short distances using a pulley which can be boarded by two men. He has a similar machine like Hydrofoil boats, the principle of cooperation with flying equipment, also use magnetic energy fields. Others such as food, household commodities or goods that are large, transported in the same manner using a large transport called "Subbers."
Atlantis is a great civilization, we communicate using the ship to broadcast news to the various regions. Most of the information received by the "smart people" through the inner response, they have the ability to accept a special way, is similar to the satellite receiver stations, and very accurate. Thus, their job is to sit down and receive the information transmitted from other places. Actually, in the work, the way I operate a large crystal, is also done through the liver.
Advanced treatment
In this civilization, there is no severe disease. Treatment method used, all using the crystal, color, music, scents and alloy ingredients, by developing the overall treatment effectiveness.
Treatment center is a place that many of his room. When patients come in, a color will be recorded on the wall. Then the patient is directed to a special room to determine treatment. In the first room, a well-trained assistants and knowledgeable about the treatment will detect the frequency of vibration in the patient's body. Information transferred to another room. In the room, the patient will lie on a flat granite, while the other assistants will arrange for appropriate treatment plan for patients.
After that, the room will be filled with music therapy, special crystals will be placed on the patient. The whole room filled with a gentle fragrance, last will seem a color. Furthermore, patients were asked thoughtfully, so that the treatment of energy absorbed into the body. Thus, all the senses that there will be healthy again, "color" to cure the senses of sight, "the smell of the plants' healing sense of smell," sweet music "to heal the sense of hearing, and final," pure water "to cure your sense of taste. When meditation is complete, must drink water from the tube. Energy is very large, like a shaft of light, illuminating the body from top to bottom. Whole body as has been fulfilled. Treatment techniques are always associated with "magnetic field" and "solar energy", as well as a physical medicine and psychology.
Reflections of Race
When the baby is still in the womb, has given voice, musical intelligence and guidance at that time. During the womb, "smart people" will provide guidance to the parents of the prospective child. Since the baby is born, parents care for and educate him at home, loved and loving their children. In the afternoon, the children will be left in daycare, listening to music in there, see the vibrant colors and stories related to how positive thinking and philosophical themed stories.
Children's education center, there are in every place. Children are taught to be a living creature who has perfect intelligence. Learning opens the mind, body and spirit so that they can work together. On the stage of child development, smart people hold a very large role, educators have a respectable position in society of Atlantis, usually only be obtained when reaching the age of 60-120 years, depending on the growth of intelligence. And a coveted job everyone.
In all areas, each person received education from the age of 3 years. They receive education in the storied building. In front of the school building is a symbol of the rainbow, the rainbow is a symbol of guidance center. The main lesson is to hear and see. The students relaxed lying or sitting, so that the vertebrae do not experience stress. Another method is to contemplate, eyes covered with eye shields, eye shields displayed in a variety of colors. On reflection conditions, this visualization method is very effective. Was also given the same tape of the unconscious. When the body and brain in a relaxed state, the knowledge flowing into the memory part of the brain. This is one method of learning the most effective, because he had closed all channels of information that can distract. "People smart" guiding the student, depending on the level of the child's ability to absorb, and make it easier to see a particular talent they have. In this way, every child has equal opportunity to develop their potential.
Positive forward thinking and the frequency of vibration is a key element in the learning and improve / encourage an open heart insight. The higher level of vibration frequency on the brain, the frequency of vibration at the higher soul. The more positive awareness of the inherent, and increasingly reflects the awareness and consciousness of extrinsic latent. When the two match, will open the world in a positive perspective: If the two do not match, then people will drift to the greed and power. For the people of Atlantis, the power to control other people think is a way of life that does not civilized, and it is not justified.
In our history books, we never feel safe and calm. The character of our ancestors who are still uncivilized affect our society at that time. For example, selecting animals for experiments. However, hard intelligence rules prohibit interfering with the lives of others. Although we know there are risks, but we should not coerce or punish others, because each person will be responsible for their own development sanubarinya. In that community, a sense of insecurity is in order to gain security. This philosophy is very good, and highly respected people at that time, he is our protector.
Hit doom of Atlantis
I am not married. At that time, people do not have the bonds of marriage. If you intend to tie a person, it will carry out a binding ceremony. Binding is absolutely no legal effect or binding force, just based on mood. Atlantis sex life is very dynamic person to maintain health. I decided to live with him under the impression of sex, intelligence and attractiveness. In those days, sex is an important part of life, sex is as important as eating or sleeping. This is part of "the existence of life as a whole", and besides our physical bodies do not show our age, we are able to live to 200 years old.
There is also a man having sex with animals, or with half-human half-animal, for example, the body of a human-headed horse. At that moment, the Atlantis could have a transplant intercross, for the harmony of man and animals in nature, but some people forget this, the starting point of their goal is to sex. People who consciously aware that this will cause an imbalance in our society, people are very worried and afraid of this, but no preventive action. This is very big with our beliefs, human beings have the freedom to choose, and one should not interfere with the growth of other people's intelligence. People who choose animals as the main opponents, often lost his balance on his soul, and is considered immature.
Advanced Technology of the unjust
At the time of my life, we know that Atlantis has reached the end of death. Among us there are some people who know this, however, is that most people deliberately ignore, or not interested in this. Material elements have lost their balance. Highly advanced technology. For example, purified air pollution, air temperature is adjusted. Technological advances, until we begin to change the composition of air and water. This final destruction of Atlantis.
Four main elements namely: wind, water, fire, and the soil is the most fundamental of our galaxy and the earth, the base of the most stable material. Trying to integrate or alter these basic elements have violated the laws of nature. Scientists working and living in the western part of Atlantis, they "give in" to the greed for power and personal honor mean to "control" key element 4. Nature knows now, this has resulted in total destruction. They thought themselves above others, they fantasize as a figure of God, wants to control the basic constituents of the star.
Toward the Day of Resurrection
Prophecy "Resurrection" has circulated widely, but only an intelligent person and who followed a spiritual path to know the cause. The end of our civilization is only caused by a few people! The prophecy says: "The earth will rise, the new Land will appear, everyone started to fight again. Only a handful of lucky people will live, they will spread to all corners of the new land, and the story of Atlantis will be a hereditary, we will return to the past ". Interesting lessons, dolphin never told us today "Resurrection" will arrive, we know these moments getting closer, because it has two weeks did not meet the dolphins. They were told when we would go to a quiet place, and maintain a crystal ball, the dolphins tell us can go safely to the west.
Many people left Atlantis to find new land. Some went down to Egypt, there is also ahead of "Resurrection" ship to leave Atlantis with the boat, to a new land that is not contained in the map. These lands are not part of our civilization, because it is not in our protection. Many who felt disappointed and left us, actively looking for an advanced and environmentally safe. Therefore, Atlantis there was hardly any migrants. However, after a handful of people travel to the mainland until the "weird", they returned safely. And the state of his country at least have told us the knowledge about life outside of Atlantis.
I chose to stay, ensuring energy crystals are not damaged anything, until the end. Crystals always supplying energy to the city. As recent weeks, the crystals covered by a protective transparent, made of special materials. Maybe someday, he will be found, and used once more for good intentions. When the crystal was found, he will prove the civilization of Atlantis, as well as uncover other mysteries not revealed for several centuries.
I still remember the day the longest, the last day, last minute, the earth aground, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, catastrophic fires. Earth's plates collide violently. Earth was destroyed, the people in the archway of the building to be greeted crystal arrival. My soul is calm. Hard to shake a building. I pulled one into the wall, we hugged each other. I hope to soon die. Thick smoke in the sky rolled, I saw the earth lava burst, red flames coloring the sky. Room in a house filled with smoke, we were very crowded. Then I fainted, then, I remember my spirit fly into the light. I looked down and seen the land was submerged. Turbulent sea water, swallowing everything. The men fled in all directions, if not swallowed by massive water must have fallen into the cauldron of fire. I hear the voice clearly screams. Earth like a giant pot of boiling water, like a hungry beast, biting and swallowing all of his quarry. Sea water had drowned the land.
Source Ruin
Through Benette Inggrid memory, known to the nation's technological development of Atlantis, was quite different from our present civilization, and even his experience will be materially different from modern science, otherwise similar to the science of ancient China, developed by other means. This civilization far beyond the current civilization. Heard it's like reading a fictional novel. Compare with the present, the ability of Atlantis soul of the nation are concerned, even a supernormal abilities, able to communicate with animals, which is now considered the smart and talented, fed a variety of knowledge, but ignore the power within.
Atlantis nations concerned "intelligence of the soul" and "body" to develop all the potential latent in the human body, it makes their civilization could thrive in the long term and the main cause of the imbalance caused no symptoms. About the extinction of the civilization of Atlantis, decent people ponder now. Plato described the destruction of Atlantis in the dialogue as follows:
"Law of the Sea Gods applied to make the people of Atlantis lived happily, the god of justice Sea have a high respect from all over the world, the rule of law engraved on a copper pole by the kings of the past, copper pole placed in the middle of the sea god temple of the island. But the people of Atlantis begin to corrupt, those who had worshiped false gods to be greedy, wants a good life and refused to work with a spree of life and all luxury. "
Plato who were often unhappy about human nature says:
"The mind is pure glance slowly losing its color, and covered by a surge of lust demons, then the people of Atlantis who deserve to enjoy the great good fortune began to perform indecent acts, the wise man can see the character of the people of Atlantis are increasingly declining, their virtues natural slowly lost, but ordinary people who were actually possessed by blind passion, can not distinguish right or wrong, still happy, he thought all the gifts of God. "
The destruction of civilization caused by a few people, many who know why, but most people ignore them, then great kelongsoran arises, in morals and can not be helped. Thus, a small number of people making mistakes is not so scary, scary is when most people "ignore errors", to "allow changes" then quietly "agreed to evil", can not distinguish between right and wrong, the news of the errors resulted in a gap properties human, moral decline violent society, pushed civilization into a dead end.
We as modern people, it can be made a lesson of history as a mirror, contemplate the return of science we develop, who knows life only on the basis of an objective recognition of the real material world, and ignores the nature of life in the soul. The true meaning of life, gradually to meet the desires of business material, such as the scientists of Atlantis, a handful of people subject to greed, not defend the truth, for power and glory, developing the wrong technology, environmental damage. Are we doing the same mistakes?
24 November 2009
Atlantis, A Timeless Mystery

Mystery of the Pyramid (Part2)
During the year 4000, people wondered and tried to solve the mystery of what Pyramida built. Pyramida is the tomb of King Khufu, that people already know, but so important is that the tomb should be made in such form Pyramida difficult to manufacture? Nakht, a resident of Egypt who had worked to build Pyramida for 40 years, told his testimony ... ..
Pyramid was built based on astronomical observations. The Egyptians were experts in astronomy. They're very good at reading the movement of stars in the sky. The sky above the vast desert of endless orientation center of their lives. From the position and movement of their stars to predict the season, counting the best time to start planting wheat, predicting flooding and storms. From the observations the sky, they find that there is a black spot surrounded by a few stars. The stars are always changing positions, but the black dot that never changes. The Egyptians then consider the black spot is paradise. An eternal place. It never changed.
King Khufu wants to obtain immortality after his death. He wants to go to heaven he had seen in the sky. So he ordered to create a building that can deliver the body to go into eternity. By the architect and adviser to the royal expert, agreed that the building will conduct the King Khufu's body to heaven was shaped Pyramida. Pyramida form believed to be the symbol of life ...
Once, a native of Egypt Nakht who lived in a village, on the banks of the Nile. Every early summer, the envoy of King Khufu through the villages along the Nile, looking for a man strong and robust to be employed to build Pyramida. Nakht with his younger brother, deba, elected by Kaem-Ah, the envoy of the King. So in the year 2480 BC left for them to Giza. Previously, Nakht father and grandfather had been called to work to build Pyramida.
Nakht grandfather told me, he worked to make the stairs into the sky. How was tried, Nakht could never imagine, stairs to heaven is like. After a few days down the Nile, they arrived at Sakkara. In the place to see the ladder-shaped Nakht Pyramida, and then he understood what his grandfather had done. Pyramida at Sakkara was built about 60 years before the reign of King Khufu.
After sailing on the Nile for 11 days, and deba Nakht arrived in Giza, 10 miles south of Cairo. First they are placed in the quarry, where thousands of workers from the hill of stone cutting, shaping it into blocks square, which will be compiled into Pyramida. Stone blocks that weighed about 2.5 tons was taken to the building site, a distance of Pyramida 0.5 miles withdrawn manner. Deba Nakht and given the task of bringing water to moisten the surface of the dirt road that will pass the stone blocks. Because the ground at Giza in the form of clay, when wetted will be smooth and easy pull stone blocks.
Workers cutting stone in quarries at Giza
Pyramida Khufu built in 2480 BC. Required 6 million tons of stone to build this Pyramida, consisting of 2.5 million pieces of stone blocks, each weighing about 2.5 tons. In each period, 25,000 people work together. All very well coordinated. Every person has the workings of each, knowing his job goals. Each block of stone inscribed with identification numbers, so obviously in a position where the stone will be placed in Pyramida. Workers were divided into several groups, there was a group of stone cutters, stone writer's identity, and the stone pullers. They worked for 9 consecutive days, and rest on day 10.
No longer working as a water carrier, and deba Nakht moved to work at the construction site Pyramida. Workers at the site Pyramida have 'prestige' is higher than the quarry workers, because only selected workers who may enter the building site Pyramida. Yunu, led workers in Pyramida rate deba Nakht and high intelligence, so quickly given the task more important.
In Pyramida construction, the mason is the most important labor. They smooth the stone blocks that had been sent from the mine, make sure the size is just right. Pyramida at the construction site, and deba Nakht assigned place stone blocks in a prescribed location. The stones were pulled up through the specially constructed ramps at the side Pyramida. This job is very interesting heavy rock. A stone blocks weighing 2.5 tons was withdrawn by 20 to 30 people. To put in the position of Pyramida, use the pulley placed on a large wooden triangle. At one point, because there are workers who inadvertently, this wooden triangle collapses. Deba beneath a wooden beam that hit big and heavy. He died, 5 years after working in Pyramida ...
Deba death makes Nakht devastated. Five years working in Pyramida which in essence is a tomb, he never thought about death. Deba death reminds Nakht that all the hard work was done extraordinary for one person, namely the king. All the people beholden to the king, then make sacrifices for the king is an honor.
However, what really pushed them voluntarily Pyramida building?
King Khufu 'Pyramida development review which will be a grave
The writings contained in the Pyramida talked about the long journey of King, who is described as a hawk, with the help of a hurricane, rain, and thunder. Text in the Pyramida always describe the end of the journey the king, which is to be among the never perish. King will achieve immortality, as well as every person who worked to make the road to the eternal king.
Ten years after the beginning of large Pyramida construction, granite came from Aswan, a distance of mine 500 miles from Giza. The amount of this granite 9 fruits, each weighing 50 tons. Granite stones will be used as top cover Pyramida. Because of its weight, it takes 200 people to draw a block of stone to the top. At the top of the top third of Pyramida, the stone can no longer be drawn through the gentle slope next to the Pyramida, which made the spiral-shaped path around the top stick Pyramida. Nakht who have become senior workers, believed by Hermiunu, Pyramida development architect who also is a cousin of the king, to preside over placement of the stones is important. Nakht asked all the stone marked the center with a line of red ocher. Then by using plummet, he observed that the position of the red ocher line exactly coincides with a pole that is used to mark the center point Pyramida. Thus, all the blocks of stone are on a very precise position, not one inch. Error cause stone positions put the emphasis shifted Pyramida, and Pyramida will collapse.
Installation of the stone peak Pyramida
Khufu originally Pyramida high 146 yards, but because of erosion over thousands of years, now living 136 meters high. Until the year 1889 when the Eiffel Tower (324 meters) was built in Paris, Pyramida is the tallest building in the world.
In the Pyramida there are three rooms. The first room was in the basement. The second room was on top, and the third room on top. On top of this room King Khufu's body will be placed, just below the granite rocks that cover the top Pyramida Nakht and placed by his friends.
In the year 2463 BC King Khufu out of the palace to see the tomb that would make him immortal. With ditandu by kings guards, he walked the same path, which disusurinya 17 years ago, at the beginning of development Pyramida.
Early days in the spring of 2457 BC King Khufu's death. In a coffin made of cedar wood, his body was carried through the river Nile to the temple near the pyramid. Inside the box was saved well palace of gold and wealth associated with Tutankhamun. From the temple on the banks of the Nile, first coffin was taken to the basement of the pyramid. After that just brought to the room on top of it, and then placed in a room at the top of the tomb of King Khufu. On the north wall of this top of the room, there is a hole through the pyramid, where the holes can be seen a black dot in the sky surrounded by stars. Black dot which is believed by King Khufu and the Egyptian people as the eternal paradise.
King Khufu and the Egyptian people have found their paradise, and build a pyramid as a way to get there ....

Misteri Piramida (Part1)
Giant pyramid of Egypt is one of the seven wonders of the world today, had always been regarded as a mysterious building and magnificent people. However, despite how many years passed, the scholars and experts using large amounts of accurate research tools and sophisticated, is still unknown, who actually has made a giant high buildings and stately? And coming from where achievement of human intelligence that can not be imagined at the top of the building? And what purpose these buildings? And at that time he has a utility that how or what it means?
The puzzle that kept spinning in the minds of all people for thousands of years, from beginning to end is a mystery that can not be explained.
Although historians say he was established in 2000 over BC, but such opinions can not even explain the confusion that diinisiasikan by a large number of research findings.
Myth and History Archaeological findings
Since the 6th century BC, Egypt was the royal refuge Poshi, who lost his position after standing for more than 2,000 years, receives power from outside of the Greek Empire, Roman, Islamic kingdom and the power of other nations. During the large number of famous works of the time of Pharaoh destroyed, literacy and religious beliefs of the Egyptians themselves are gradually replaced by other cultures, so that the culture of ancient Egypt to ebb and destroyed, later generations have lost a large number of relics that can decipher clues left by the predecessors.
Year 450 BC, after a Greek historian around and arrived in Egypt, added the inscription: Cheops (Khufu Greek alphabet), reportedly said, were destroyed after 50 years. In a certain limit the Greek historians use the phrase "allegedly said", meaning that the truth needs to be proved again. However, since the Greek historian's opinion is actually a quote later generations as important evidence that the pyramid royal dynasty founded in the 4th.
Until now, historians thought that the pyramid is the tomb of a king. Thus, once talked about the pyramid, which is imagined in the unconscious mind is the jewelry and goods sparkling. And, in the year 820 AD, when the governor-general of Islamic Cairo Caliph al-Ma'mun led forces, was first dug and a secret passageway into the pyramid, and when the patient does not go into the room, the view that only made him look very disappointed. Not only was no single thing that is usually buried with the body, such as pearls, and carvings, and even a piece of glassware pieces were not there, it was just an empty sarcophagus lid that does not exist. While the wall was only a clean field empty, nor is there any inscription written.
Conclusion of the historians of the achievements first entered this pyramid is "experiencing robbery objects in the tomb". However, the real investigation showed, the possibility of thieves entered the tomb of the pyramid through the other path is very small. Under normal conditions, nor the tomb thieves may steal without leaving a trace, and more impossible to remove all the plaque described Pharaohs on the walls. Compared with the other tombs which are generally filled with jewels and treasures abound, a giant pyramid built to commemorate the greatness of Pharaoh king became very different.
In addition, in a note "Inventory Stela" is held in the Cairo museum, never mentioned that the pyramid has been there from the beginning before the throne of Khufu continues. However, due to the stone inscription records that are hard to challenge the traditional view, there is a problem between research experts and how writing the book, strongly condemned the subsequent research value. Actually, the limitations of historical record that can be obtained, if for a particular view and then set aside some historical evidence, have unwittingly impede our objective in looking at the actual historical position.
Building Technique Extraordinaire
In Egypt, there are so many various sizes of the pyramid, the default is not only much smaller, the structure was rough. Among the pyramid which was founded in the kingdom to-5 and 6, many of which have damaged and destroyed, a heap of ruins, such as the pyramid of King Menkaure as shown. Then, the great pyramid was built during the earlier, in a massive earthquake in the 13th century, where some stone walled outer have been destroyed, but because the inside of the wall supported by a buffer, so that the whole structure remains very strong. Therefore, when building a giant pyramid, not just a simple 3 million stones set into a cone, if there are deficiencies in the design of this special construction, partially damaged, it can lead to completely collapse due to the weight supported.
After all, how the project was building the giant pyramids done, remains a topic that makes a headache scholars. In addition to considering the large number of stone and labor required, the most important factor is the culmination of the pyramid must be in the bottom right field at the midpoint of the 4 corners. Because if the 4 corners sideways and slightly distorted, so as to close the culmination not be together at one point, this means building projects considered to have failed. Therefore, is a very important point, how do put some 2.3 million -2.6 million large stones each weighing 2.5 tonnes of stone from the ground up as high as more than a hundred yards in the air and installed from the beginning to the end of the the right position.
As the author Graham Hancock in his' Fingerprint of God ": In place of this staggered, on one side of the body to maintain balance, and the other side had to move one after another stone weighing at least 2 times the little car to above, transported to the right place, and leads right into place, whether what he had in mind workers carrying stones. Although modern science has predicted a variety of ways and allow energy to build, but if it reconsidered its real conditions, we find that these people must have the ability or physical strength than humans, just to finish the giant project and ensure accuracy and precision accuracy.
To this, Jean Francois Champollion who got the title as the "Father of Modern Science of Ancient Egypt" estimates that people who set up a different pyramid with humans now, at least in the "thinking they have a height of 100 feet tall as a giant human". He argues, viewed from the side of the making of the pyramid, it is the work of a giant human.
Likewise, Master Li Hongzhi in his lecture at the North American tour in 2002 also had mentioned that possibility. "Man can not understand how the pyramid was made. Stone is so great how people transport it? Some of those giant man five feet high carrying something, it is with humans now move a big rock is the same. To build the pyramid, the five-meter tall human like us now build a big building. "
Such thoughts could not help but make us think, that the giant pyramids and a large number of ancient massive stone building found in various parts of the world have brought the same question to everyone: big and grand, the composition is formed by using a very large stone, even the composition perfect. Like for example, in the northern suburbs is Castle Sacsahuaman Mexico arranged by the giant stones that weigh more than 100 tons, of which there is a giant rock that reaches 28 feet high, estimated at weighing up to 360 tons (equivalent to 500 family cars). And on the plains southwest of England there is a giant rock formation, surrounded by dozens of giant rocks and forming a large roundabout, in between some rocks high as 6 meters. Actually, how a group of people who they were? Why always use a giant rock, and do not use the stone size in the range of our ability to build?
Sphinx, a lion-faced man who is also an important object of research scientists, high 20 meters, 73 meters overall length, is considered established by the work of the Pharaoh Khafre is 4. However, the former being eaten by rust (erosion) on the surface of the body of the Sphinx, scientists estimate that the construction might be more early, at least 10 thousand years ago before Christ.
A scholar John Washeth also argues: That the giant pyramids and the Sphinx nearby neighbor with building the kingdom to another 4 totally different, it was built in ancient times more than the kingdom to-4. In his book "Space Serpent", John Washeth suggested: the development of Egyptian culture probably did not come from the Nile basin, but comes from an earlier culture and more powerful than the ancient Egyptians thousands of years old, who inherited the cultural legacy unknown to us . This, in addition to building technological reasons outlined earlier, and found on the Sphinx is badly eaten by rust has also proved this.
Mathematician Swalle Rubich in "Holy Science" shows: in the year 11,000 BC, Egypt must have had a great culture. At that time the Sphinx has been there, because the body of the lion-faced man, in addition to the head, obviously there is a former erosion. His estimate is in a great flood 11,000 years BC, and heavy rain alternating erosion and lead to the former.
Estimates of erosion on the Sphinx is more rain and wind. Washeth aside from the possibility of rain water, because as long as 9000 years in the past plateaus Peninsula, rain was always inadequate, and should track back to 10,000 BC the new year there is such bad weather. Also ruled out the possibility Washeth eroded by the wind, because the other limestone buildings in the kingdom to-4 did not even have the same erosion. Elephant-shaped writings and inscriptions left by the ancient kingdom there is no piece of stone that had such severe erosion that occurred on the Sphinx.
Boston University professor and expert in terms of rock erosion Robert S. also agree with the view and address the Washeth: That the erosion experienced by the Sphinx, there are some parts that its depth reaches 2 feet, so the zigzag angle when viewed from the outside, like a wave, it was obvious the former after a wind gust and great for thousands of years.
Washeth and Robert S. also shows: the technology of ancient Egypt could not have carved out such a large scale on a giant rock, art products that complicated technique.
If observed on the whole, we can logically conclude, that in ancient times, in the land of Egypt, once there is a very advanced culture, but because of the shifting plates of the earth, the land lost in a sea of stones, and a very ancient culture at that time finally removed, leaving the pyramids and the Sphinx, using the perfect building technology.
In the long term on the ocean floor, a giant pyramid and the Sphinx has the erosion of water and soaked for a long period, is the direct cause leading to severe erosion on the Sphinx. Because the building materials giant pyramid Peninsula is the result of human technology that is not known now, the ability to resist water erosion far exceeds natural stone, while the Sphinx, carved with the overall natural stone, this may be the real cause of the giant pyramid eroded by sea water which is not visible from the surface.
Description image: neighboring Sphinx near the pyramids seem very ancient giants. Scientists confirm that the body, and irrigation channels as the water eroded, he has experienced some humid weather, it estimates that it is very likely to have existed prior to 10 thousand years ago.

Figures 13
Throughout the world there are a variety of beliefs, myths, and legends, which are innumerable. For the rationalists, the beliefs of the old people are supposed to die in line with the modernization that penetrated the entire side of human life. However demikiankah happened? Apparently not.
In the modern society, superstitious beliefs are in fact still exist and even grow and penetrate into the many facets of community life. These beliefs come even coloring the city's architectural and building skyscrapers.
As a small example, in many tall buildings in China, there is no such thing as the floor 13 and 14. According to their beliefs, these two numbers may not carry hockey. In the West, the number 13 is considered unlucky numbers. Likewise in many other parts of the world. If we look at the numbers in the elevator the tall buildings of the world, you will not find the floor 13. Usually, after the number 12 then immediately 'jump' to number 14. Or from the number 12 then 12 a new first 14. This phenomenon is found in many countries of the world, including Indonesia.
Why the number 13 is considered deficient numbers bring luck? Actually, kepecayaan superstition and various myths that have come from the ancient knowledge called Kabbalah. Kabalah is an ancient mystical teachings, which have been dirapalkan by highest Witch House Pharaoh's regime which was then picked by the witches, magicians, psychic, paranormal, and so on-especially by the Zionist-Jews who later made him a political movement, and now This, teaching Kabbalah has become a new trend among celebrities in the world.
Jewish nation since the former is to maintain strict Kabbalah. In Marseilles, southern France, the Jewish nation was booked before the Kabbalah teachings derived only through oral and clandestinely. They are also known as people who enjoy fiddling with the numbers (numerology), so they are also known as as the Geometrian.
According to them, number 13 is one of the sacred numbers that contain a variety of magical and religious side, together with the numbers 11 and 666. Therefore, in a variety of symbols associated Kabbalisme, they always sneak element number 13 in it. Tarot cards for example, the number 13. Also Remi card, number 13 (As, 2-9, Jack, Queen, King).
Insertion symbol number 13 largest in the history of mankind is the symbol of this country into the United States. The Seal of the United States of America that consists of two sides (The Eagles and Pyramid Illuminati) loaded with the number 13.
Here's the proof:
-13 Stars above eagle's head forming the Star of David.
-13 Line in a shield or a shield birds.
-13 Olive leaf in a bird's right leg.
Olive -13 sticking point between the olive leaf.
-13 Arrows.
-13 Feathers at the end of the arrow.
-13 Letters that form the sentence 'Annuit Coeptis'
-13 Letters that form the phrase 'E Pluribus Unum'
-13 Layers of rock that form the pyramid.
-13 X 9 points around the Star of David on the head of the Eagles.
In addition to inserting the number 13 into the symbol of state, corporate logos of the United States the same way as McDonalds logo, Arbyss, startrek. Com, Westel, and so on. Number 13 can be seen if these logos shown vertically. Similarly, the headquarters of Micosoft known as The Double-Double Thirteen or 13, in accordance with the Microsoft logo made to resemble a window (Windows), but in fact it is the number 1313.
Uniquely, although the number 13 were scattered in various way, the American people apparently also consider the number 13 as the numbers should be avoided. Tall buildings in the United States rarely uses the number 13 as the floor numbers. Even in the stables as well as any race, from the stable numbered 12, and 12a, directly to the number 14. There is no number 13.
Kabbalis very glorifying the number 13, but of course other numbers such as numbers 11 and 666. This figure is used in a variety of their satanic ritual. Even the symbol of Baphomet or Goat Head Mendez (Mendez Goat) was decorated with symbols 13. That is why the number 13 is considered as an unlucky number for the main part of the devil ritual.
Friday the 13th is unlucky day?
Based on our research of Dr. Donald Dossey dlm a special psychotherapy field "phobia" fear dlm bhs = Greece, the United States alone there are more than 21 million people who have the disease "paraskevidekatriap hobia" or fear of Friday 13th date. And according to a report from "The Stress Management Center and
Phobia Institute in Asheville - the U.S., every day tenyata date Friday 13th, the U.S. economy loses between 800 to U.S. $ 900 million, because many do-averse traveling, working or doing
any business activity.
Why the number 13 is unlucky number?
While the trust as the number 13 is unlucky occurrence of Christians, because Judas occupied chair, and he sold 13 Jesus promptly at 13:00. Besides, the number of points they will be above 12 or the perfect number exceeds the peak strength, with which it will automatically bring bad luck, knowing the disciples of Jesus consisted of 12 men, 12 tribes of Israel, day and night 12 hours, 12 months, the god of Olympus 12.
When the Western numerology at number 13 as an unlucky number, the same effect on Chinese society. But may be seen from different angles. "If you add up 1 +3 results 4. And the number 'four' themselves in Chinese language when spoken with different intonations (sie) can give the meaning of 2 four-and-death = bad luck!
Even if the calculated date October 13, 2006 This is really real numbers try your luck total: 13-10-2006 = 1 +3 +1 +0 +2 +6 = 13 (thirteen more)
And if your name consists of 13 alphabet then it must hati2 because the sadistic killer has a name which consisted of 13 alphabets see: Jack the Rippe, Charles Manson, Theodore Bundy and Albert De Salvo.
Trikaideka-phobia, fear of the number 13, so much so that if you eat starry night at the Hotel Savoy in London, and you happen to come rame2 was 13 then the hotel manager Mr Paul, will cepat2 out two black cat mascot didudukan wrote in a special chair, to accompany you all dimeja eat! Let me mess so 15, if not, "It is believed that one of the 13 Diners will die within a year. Once wanti2 the manager.
How many hotels or settlements that include abstinence rates for the 13th floor number, room, or home. Lottery in Italy, France does not have his number 13. So is there no street name in America who use 13th Street or 13th Avenue.
Where did the emergence of this belief? Allegedly, Pythagoras - the figure of artists, philosophers, and teachers from 6th century BC, indirectly encouraged his followers gave birth to a new understanding, numerology.
Was in all European countries they are afraid of Day 13 Friday date? Not because in the countries of Latin America, in Greece and in Spain the day "Tuesday" date is the 13th day of bad luck, so there is a saying "En martes, ni te cases ni te embarques" = on Tuesday perkimpoian or do not do the trip.
While in Italy the day unfortunately was the day date Friday 17.
But how with in Indonesia? Here we believe that the number 12 is unlucky numbers prove people often say 'Cilaka 12 "